REACT is a 4-year research project funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 Programme. Its objective is to achieve island energy independence through renewable energy generation and storage, a demand response platform, and promoting user engagement in a local energy community; REACT is developing a technical and business model to demonstrate that these technologies can bring economic benefits, contribute to the decarbonisation of local energy systems, reduce GHG emissions, and improve environmental air quality.

RDIUP and TROYA ÇEVRE DERNEĞİ from VPP4ISLANDS 🏝️ have respectively presented #policy_recommendations 💡 and #energy_communities 🔋. This replication board is organized by GIFT project on 6th June 2023 where 10 sisters projects are involved as: GIFT H2020, VPP4ISLANDS, H2020 MAESHA, ISLANDER Project, IANOS H2020 project, ROBINSON - H2020, REACT Project EU, SOCLIMPACT, H2020 INSULAE Project, NESOI - New Energy Solutions Optimised for Islands

BRIDGE is a European Commission initiative which unites Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalisation Projects. VPP4SILANDS is participating in almost Working Groups.
VPP4ISLANDS 🏝️ with sister projects has created a joint White Paper on replication to present and share key results, best practices and lessons learnt.
VPP4ISLANDS 🏝️participated in various joint workshops (e.g. on 8th May 2024) with sister EU projects FlexCHESS, Masterpiece and THUMBS-UP) to discuss Flexibility in energy systems: trends and perspectives #islands #decarbonization, #Innovation, #energy #H2020
VPP4ISLANDS 🏝️ contributed and participated in a joint replication board on 18th September 2024 organized by 12 sister EU projects to share lessons learnt and findings from pilots. Follow our outcomes. #islands #decarbonization, #Innovation, #energy #H2020
- VPP4ISLANDS has participated in BRIDGE Events and WGs from 2nd to 4th March 2021 Intermediate result from our participation in the WGs
- RDIUP and ALGOWATT have participated in the public WEBINAR Flexibility 2.1 : From Demand Response to Renewable Energy Communities. March 15, 2021
- “TROYA, UEDAS and INAVITAS have, virtually, a success” Interview with GUNDER.
- TROYA has attended the online Rescoop Annual Meeting : 22-24 April, 2021
- Grado commune and CiviESCO have organized a VPP4ISLANDS conference in 20-07-2021
- UEDAS, TROYA, INAVITAS and Bozcaada have organized a ceremony about the green energy in Gokçeada
- AMU has presented VPP4ISLANDS at the SEST conference 2021. Find the presentation HERE
- TROYA, Algowatt and Formentera have organized a Virtual Energy Communities Workshop on 23-09-2021, see here the program EC_Workshop_Flyer
- AlgoWatt has presented VPP4ISLANDS in Programma Green Salina Energy Days from 9 to 12 September 2020
- FTK has organized a SAPL Training session, Find here the program SAPL.IO Webinar #1
- CIVIEsco, Gardo, Troya and Bornholms participated in CE4EUislands Forum programme 2022 in May 2022
- AMU organized our first physical General Meeting from 16th to 18th May in Marseille, here the Agenda GA 2022.
- VPP4ISLANDS hydrogen fuel cell hybrid storage system was presented in Brunel Conference
- VPP4ISLANDS will meet for a second General Assembly meeting: Agenda_GA_March 2023_Palma, Spain
- VPP4ISLANDS organizes the review meeting in Brussels, find here the Agenda_27June2023
- VPP4ISLANDS will be present in EUSEW23 and BRIDGE events from 20-22 June 2023 in #Brussels
- VPP4ISLANDS has participated in a White-Paper-on-Replication with sister projects.
- A public VPP4IBox Workshop was organized by RDIUP, Schneider electric, Cardiff University and BC2050.
- RDIUP has participated and contributed to the Enlit Event Paris from 28-30 2023
- A workshop organized by ALWA, AMU and RDIUP AEIT-FLYER-v2
- ALWA has prepared a FORMENTERA-CONSENT-FORM for your data protection and privacy. Join our ecosystem 💡
- A Replication Workshop was organized by Grado, Bornholm, RDIUP, CSIC, and Brunel University.
- At #EUSEW 2024, RDIUP hosted a dedicated stand at the Energy Fair to promote the achievements of the H2020 Project VPP4islands.
- Grado Municipality organized a conference on 20th September 2024 about energy communities and it will present the outcomes of #VPP4ISLANDS 🏝️. see the programme here
We are proud to announce that the #VPP4ISLANDS (virtual) kick-off meeting 💪 organized by coordinator AMU took place on 22 and 23 October. All partners were represented to make this great project successful.

This video presents VPP4ISLANDS project 💪 and focuses mainly on the turkish leading Islands “Gökçeada” (UEDAS) that aims to test and validate the aggregation of grid flexibility ⚡
The Municipality of #Grado is a key Partner (Follower Island) of the Horizon 2020 project and is working for the definition, replication and experimentation of Virtual Energy Communities.
Already at #M10, after research; partnerships and efforts arrives our first #General #Assembly
of the #H2020
project chaired by #RICCIO Julia and #Seifeddine BEN ELGHALI from #AMU

#Clean and #green💚 #energy🔋 in Gökçeada🇹🇷 Island is becoming reality thanks👏 to #VPP4ISLANDS🏝. This ceremony is organized by #UEDAS, #TROYA, #INAVITAS and #Bozcaada.
The funniest and best backstage
moments of our Italian
conference in 20-07-2021, edited by our partners
GRADO and CIVIESCO in the VPP4Islands

Our #VPP4ISLANDS 🏝 partner #FTK represented by Dr. #Dominic #Heutelbeck has participated at #AxonIQCon22 💪 to learn more about how ABAC along with #SAPL and ABAC’s control access (#ASBAC) work with #Axon-based applications to establish policy enforcement on query-side implementation.
RDIUP and Brunel University London from #VPP4ISLANDS are glad to introduce our #Smart
#Planning #Tool (#SPT) for a clean energy transition in Islands replication cases (at least three follower islands). Visit here below
our short promotional video created by RDIUP
📢 Dr. Dominic Heutelbeck leading #FTK talked on AxonIQ about the Attribute-Based Access Control (#ABAC)🎚️and its applications 💡
For more details find below the two amazing Episodes🎥: #Episode I:
#Episode II: