Mix storage approaches: Leading Gökçeada island (UEDAS)

Gökçeada Island is connected with submarine cable to mainland. The consumption demand of Gökçeada island is 6 MWh. The energy production capacity installed within this island is 1,8 MWh. The production capacities are guaranteed by two 900 kW capacity wind turbine, 10 kW solar power plant in operation, one 200 kW solar power under construction. As a contingency plan, in case of disfunction of submarine cable to supply the island with electricity, UEDAS has 4x770 kVA diesel generators. The settlement of these plants is presented in the figure In order to improve Gökceada island smart grid stability, and monitoring, a 50kW (100kWh) Energy Storage System will be installed by UEDAS along with a remote Monitoring and Control System for power plant.
Building of small energy communities: Leading Formentera island (FORM)
Formentera island is a small island of the Balearic island. This island is connected to Mallorca island via 2-off sea cables. of 30 kV (HVAC) (see below figure). A new double cable of 132kV is planned to be deployed by 2021. Formentera contains large solar plants with a capacity of 2MW. However, the islands needs are between 7MW in winter and 18MW during the summer. The additional energy is completed via the sea cable from non-renewable energy sources One of the particularities of Formentera island is that wind turbine are prohibits because existing local laws and regulation regarding bird’s protection. Formentera is planned to become a sustainable island; therefore new large solar plants are planned to be installed under the strategy “Special plan for the implementation of energy facilities”.

Zero carbon Island: Follower Bozcaada island (BOZ)

Bozcaada island is small island with around 3000 inhabitants. 17 wind turbines with more 10MW of nominal capacity are installed. In addition, the island is equipped with a solar installation of 20kW and 30kW wind turbine. The electricity generated by these two systems is used to electrolyze water into hydrogen. This gas is stored compressed and used later to generate energy or as fuel in hydrogen-powered cars. Thus, Bozcaada island produce 30 times more than the whole island consumption and the excess energy is fed to the mainland through a sea-cable. Based on Bozcaada high energy production the island launched a carbon free road map to be achieved by 2030. In this context Bozcaada will exploit VPP4Island platform in order to define all the needed requirements, specifications and infrastructures of a large electric vehicles integration to reduce emissions from thermal cars while ensuring the stability of the electric grid and generate economic benefits.
Standalone, and Low latency communication for ECs: Follower Grado Island (Grado):
Standalone, and Low latency communication for ECs: Grado island is very close to mainland and it is connected to italy via a direct bridge. Grado accommodate a strong energy infrastructure including smart meter and advanced IoT system comparing with standard island. Grado wants to control the energy flow direction in the grid efficiently, abiding the IEEE standard 1459-2010 for analysing the voltage and current signals, by means of applying the suitable decision criteria using the IOT implementation. Grado wants to evaluate via VPP4Islands platform different installed IOT aided control algorithms, for scheduling the energy consumption which can be implemented by utility companies and strategy initiator. The results will be then assessed, and a replication plan will be provided with all required element for the solution initiation.

District heating system: Follower Bornholm Island (Born)

Bornholm island has already taken many steps towards decarbonization, especially in the district heating system, where local biomass is the main fuel. About 65 % of the consumed electricity is produced on the island, with a combination of wind turbines, PV, biogass, and a woodchip fueled CHP. The electric connection to the mainland (seacable to Sweden) has a limited capacity (60 MW), and the introduction of more electricity production from Wind and PV will require a VPP setup, to align the consumption better with production, especially I periods when the sea-cable will have to little capacity to export surplus production. VPP4Islands platform will simulate the integration of the 100 MW wind turbine capacity, placed offshore along with the island energy-system, by coupling the electric system with the district heating system. The actions of the interventions developed in the project, together with a 25 MW power-to-X capacity, and 10 MW electric boilers, at the CHP will be explored by the means of an already developed simulation model of the total energy system on the island. Plans for the 100 MW Wind park is currently being developed by a citizen initiative, to be implemented in 2025.