



The Bridge to Clean Energy for Islands


Developed by Schneider Electric, the VPP4I-Box is a crucial hardware component acting as the backbone of communication within the VPP4Islands system. Think of it as a translator, seamlessly connecting various energy assets at individual homes and businesses (consumer/prosumer locations) to the central VPP4Islands infrastructure. 

The VPP4I-Box, equipped with embedded software, acts as a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). It facilitates a two-way flow of information: 

  • Data Collection: The VPP4I-Box gathers data from your energy system, including solar panels, batteries, and smart appliances. 
  • Communication Bridge: This data is then transmitted to the VPP4INode, the flexibility aggregator within the VPP4Islands system. 

The VPP4I-Box isn't just about data exchange; it empowers you to be an active player in building a clean energy future for your island. Here's how: 

  • Optimizing Your Energy Assets: The VPP4I-Box allows for smarter control of your Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) like solar panels and batteries. This means you can use your own energy sources more efficiently and reduce reliance on the main grid. 
  • Smart Appliance Management: Imagine being able to automatically adjust your smart appliances to times when there's more renewable energy available. The VPP4I-Box facilitates this, creating a more flexible and sustainable grid for everyone. 
  • Potential for Energy Trading: The VPP4I-Box opens the door for future possibilities like trading excess energy you generate back to the grid. This can create a win-win situation for you and the island community. 

By acting as a central communication hub and control unit, the VPP4I-Box simplifies the integration of diverse energy technologies into the VPP4Islands system. This unification fosters a more efficient and sustainable energy landscape for island communities.



The Brains Behind the Islands Clean Energy Grid

Developed by AMU, REGENERA, and INAVITAS and integrated RDIUP, the VPP4I-Node is an intelligent system powered by virtual machines and sophisticated algorithms. Think of it as the brain of the VPP4Islands system, strategically placed at key locations across the island. The VPP4I-Node performs several critical functions within the VPP4Islands framework: 

  • Data Hub: It gathers information from numerous VPP4I-Boxes installed at pilots, creating a comprehensive view of the island's energy landscape. 
  • Optimisation Engine: Utilising advanced algorithms, the VPP4INode intelligently optimises energy usage across the island, ensuring efficient and reliable power distribution. 
  • Virtual Power Plant (VPP) Creation: The VPP4I-Node acts as the conductor, combining the distributed energy resources of individual homes and businesses into a unified "Virtual Power Plant" (VPP). 
  • Smart Energy Communities: The VPP4INode fosters the creation of Smart Energy Communities, empowering island residents to actively participate in energy management. 
  • Forecasting features: The VPP4INode predicts the production, weather, consumption and/or energy prices in each VPP to make accurate decisions and optimizations. 

By acting as a central aggregator and optimiser, the VPP4INode unlocks flexibility within the island's energy grid. It also allows the VPP to participate in ancillary service markets, potentially generating additional revenue streams for the island community. 

The VPP4INode, with its ability to communicate with VPP4I-Boxes and other connected devices, orchestrates a distributed control system. It can quantify deviations and also provide individual consumers with more control over their energy usage through the VPP4I-Box.



The Smart Planning Tool: Your AI-Powered Partner for Island Decarbonization 

Developed by RDIUP, the SPT is your one-stop platform powered by cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI). This high-level information and communication technology (ICT) tool functions as a microservices app, offering a comprehensive suite of functionalities for: 

  • VPP Managers: Optimize energy usage and plan for a clean energy future. 
  • Energy Community (EC) Managers: Make informed decisions and streamline decarbonization efforts. 
  • Project Management Teams (PMOs): Develop cost-effective decarbonization strategies. 

The SPT goes beyond traditional planning tools by offering high-level assistance through its AI capabilities. This translates to: 

  • Comprehensive Portfolio Configuration: Tailor energy plans based on your island's specific needs. 
  • Advanced Simulation Capabilities: Model different scenarios to achieve optimal energy outcomes. 
  • Optimization Techniques: Identify the most efficient path to decarbonization. 
  • Detailed Planning Reports: Gain valuable insights to inform your decision-making process. 

While initially designed for island-based Virtual Power Plants (VPPs), the SPT's versatility extends beyond these applications. It can be replicated for Hybrid Energy Storage Systems and any energy system requiring sizing optimization and decarbonization, 

With access to global weather data, the SPT's reach is not limited to Europe, making it a valuable tool for communities worldwide. 

Watch the SPT YouTube Video:  



Securing the Future: VPP4Islands' Streaming Attribute Policy Language (SAPL) 

The VPP4Islands project prioritises not only innovation but also robust security measures. Here, we introduce the SAPL, a powerful tool developed by FTK that safeguards data within the VPP4Islands system. 

Imagine a sophisticated security system that tailors access to data based on specific attributes. That's the power of SAPL! It's a unique policy language and engine that implements Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC). 

Traditional access control systems rely on user roles or permissions. ABAC takes a more granular approach, granting access based on various attributes, such as: User identity, Device type, Data type, Location, Time of access. 

By implementing SAPL, the VPP4Islands project ensures: 

  • Enhanced Data Security: Only authorised users with the necessary attributes can access specific data within the system. 
  • Fine-Grained Access Control: SAPL allows for highly customised access control rules, minimising security risks. 
  • Scalability and Flexibility: The system can adapt to accommodate new users, devices, and data types as the VPP4Islands project evolves. 

Robust data security is crucial for building trust within the VPP4Islands ecosystem. SAPL plays a vital role in: 

  • Protecting Sensitive Energy Data: Energy consumption data and other sensitive information are safeguarded with advanced access control measures. 
  • Facilitating Secure Data Sharing: SAPL enables secure data sharing between authorised stakeholders within the VPP4Islands project. 
  • Encouraging User Confidence: By prioritizing data security, SAPL fosters trust and encourages participation in the VPP4Islands initiative.